Thursday, December 29, 2005

Only twice??

Governor Doyle will sign a bill soon that was probably long overdue. The bill will allow county boards to downsize twice within a decade. It also allows citizens to force a downsize via referendum.

For some crazy reason, we use to only allow them to downsize once every decade after a census. So why were unwilling to let them downsize? Anyone that has followed the Dane County Board even casually would probably give up their first born if it meant reducing the number of people we are forced to listen to debate a topic to death if we want to follow what they are doing.

Luckily, someone is going to try this in Dane County soon. Dane County Supervisor Dave de Felice is hoping to cut the Dane County Board in half to 19. Probably a wise move since they currently have more supervisors than there are state senators. Yeah, that's right. We have more people representing us at the county level than the entire state has representing them in the state senate.

You can find a short story about it on WISC-TV's website.


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