Monday, February 27, 2006

Counting chickens before hatched

Xoff finds that it looks like Rep. John Gard forgot to actually run the school choice compromise by folks before assuring everyone that he could deliver the votes on it. Of course they will try to blame Gov. Doyle but I'm quite sure he will keep up his end of the bargain and sign the legislation.

No, it seems the problem is with Senator Tom Reynolds (R-Church all the time). He is worried that the accountability measures included in the bill will keep schools from teaching creationism. Because why let a little something like the quality of education get in the way of spreading your religion?

Does this mean the righties will produce an ad with Reynolds standing in the doorway of a school forcing kids to go to church instead of school? Crazy thing is, if Reynolds could require church of kids, I'm guessing he would.


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