Saturday, February 11, 2006

Garding a campaign issue

It will be interesting to see how Speaker John Gard keeps himself away from the negotiating table on the school choice caps now that one of the groups has realized that Gard really isn't in this fight to help kids as noted by the Eye on Wisconsin blog here. He wants to guard a campaign issue to use in the fall.

Gard's recent statement on the issue contains this statement:
If we do not come to a resolution to lift the choice cap, thousands of students will not be able to go to the school of their choice and that would be a tragedy.

What would be a tragedy is if Gard continues to demand that the only resolution is to lift the cap completely. Now that ACE wants to work with the governor on his proposal to accommodate the students that could have been forced out of the schools they are attending, it's time for Gard to stop grandstanding and help the other people involved in this issue find a resolution.

Gard's statement also includes the following:
I support lifting caps entirely so that Milwaukee children and parents can choose their school.
Caps? Plural? What does this mean? Xoff has the probable answer here. Gard should take his own advice from his release and be honest with the citizens of Wisconsin, and more importantly, the parents of the children in the choice program in Milwaukee that this fight is not about the students that could be affected by the current cap. It never was.


At 12:25 AM, Blogger XOut said...

The only side that doesn't care is the side that is funded by WEAC. Haven't you been listening to your own leftist propaganda? Don’t raise the cap – kill school choice. Killing school choice will help reduce MPS class sizes or something. Get the story straight.


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