Monday, April 17, 2006

5th grade marriage plans

A bill was signed into law last week to that would require schools to teach 'marriage principles' in every sex ed class. The proposal stemmed from a Beloit school that decided the original law passed on this subject did not require marriage principles to be taught in grades five and six when kids are learning about the changes in their body in human growth and development classes.

Marriage in fifth and sixth grade? This is a law we needed?

So the state legislature wants third graders to be able to carry loaded weapons and to be talking about marriage by the time they hit fifth grade.

Being a kid sounds kind of tough these days.

Schools have to teach kids about the changes the human body is going through in fifth and sixth grade because that's when it starts to happen, but wrapping that up in a discussion about marriage being the ideal goal for all of these changes to be channeled into is almost bizarre for that age. Anyone thinking that this proposal is going to reduce pregnancy outside of marriage is living in a fantasy world.

Marriage is so far down the road for fifth graders that you might as well tell them that you have to retire to have sex too. It would have about the same meaning to them.

We should do what we can with education programs to prevent teen pregnancy, but the discussions need to be age appropriate for them to be effective.


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