Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Rep. Mark Green violated his term limit pledge

In 1998, Rep. Mark Green was running for Congress for the first time when a pro-term limits group must have sent him a pledge to sign that said he would only serve for six years in Congress. According to this letter from Green, he signed that pledge. Green went on to win that election in 1998 and is still serving in Congress today in 2006. You do the math.

I think term limit pledges are dumb, but I also think it should be pointed out when someone signs them and then doesn't follow through because they are pulling one over on the people that do believe in term limits. They take their votes to get into office in the first place and then stay as long as they like. There are numerous current state office holders that also fall into this category.

So if Rep. Mark Green tries to say he will only serve a couple of terms if he is elected governor, be sure to send him the link to his own letter that proves he'll say whatever it takes to get elected, and then do as he pleases.


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