Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Looking for fraud in all the wrong places

Why are Rep. Mark Green and Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner urging the feds to sue our state?

This press release almost seems like a joke since it warns that the State Elections Board (SEB) may have to spend taxpayer money to defend its policies from a lawsuit, but then cheers on the lawsuit. They even use legal terms like 'evidence' when talking about the SEB's decision.

So they treat an older person trying to vote with their Social Security number like it's a CSI case that they must gather 'evidence' for, but electronic voting machines that are easily manipulated aren't worth mentioning.

At least others are paying attention to the real threats to our voting system. A USA Today story summarizes a report out on electronic voting machines that should be drawing the attention of Green and Sensenbrenner. It found:
There are more than 120 security threats to the three most commonly purchased electronic voting systems, the study by the Brennan Center for Justice says. For what it calls the most comprehensive review of its kind, the New York City-based non-partisan think tank convened a task force of election officials, computer scientists and security experts to study e-voting vulnerabilities.

The supposed concern about protecting our voting system and rights looks even more cynical when you consider the other actions of this Congress as Secretary of State candidate Scot Ross points out in a recent press release.
“These are the same Republicans who are holding hostage renewal of the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act,” said Ross.
When you put these two actions together, it becomes clear that Green and Sensenbrenner are concerned about people that don't support them being able to vote too easily.

After Green and Sensenbrenner helped pass that ridiculous prescription drug coverage plan to protect the bottom line of the drug companies and make older Americans jump through more hoops than a seal at a circus, who could blame them from wanting to keep seniors away from the polls this fall?


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