Saturday, June 10, 2006

Senator Tom Reynolds crosses yet another line

A senior at Wauwatosa East High School recently had a horrible experience with state government and he wrote an opinion piece about it that is in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today. You can find it here.

His state senator is Tom Reynolds (R-West Bend)and when he attended a listening session held by Senator Reynolds about the proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage and civil unions, he introduced himself to the senator and reminded him that he had already met the senator at his Eagle Scout ceremony. He told the senator that the values he had learned as a child were totally compatible with his sexual orientation.

Imagine his surprise when a few weeks later he received a note from Senator Reynolds on "reorientation" therapy that would "teach" him to become "ex-gay."

Luckily his other representatives in government have not been so inappropriate even if they support the ban or this guy could come away from this experience not wanting to ever participate in government.

Hopefully, our state will prove to him this fall that we not only don't support completely inappropriate acts by our state representatives by voting Reynolds out of office, but that we also aren't willing to write discrimination against him into our state constitution by voting down the proposed ban on gay marriage and civil unions.


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