Sunday, June 18, 2006

The thirst for a firing

Rick Berg, a former aide to former Gov. Tommy Thompson, has an editorial in today's Wisconsin State Journal that is so ridiculous it almost made me laugh.

In it Berg is taking Governor Doyle to task for firing Georgia Thompson. He accuse Doyle of a hasty firing and actually uses the words "blood lust" to describe what happened. If Berg really wants to find where to lay blame, he needs to look at his side of the aisle.

As early as Monday, June 12, Owen at the Boots and Saber blog had this in a post:
Wait. Has Georgia Thompson been fired yet? No? So much for “zero tolerance.”

How hard would the right have pushed this if the steps necessary for firing Thompson weren't started as fast as they were? The right would have had the talk radio fans and blog readers whipped up into a frenzy by Tuesday and probably tee-shirts and bumper stickers by Wednesday.

Doyle was damned if he did and damned if didn't.


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