Sunday, July 16, 2006

Bush says Green will budget like he has

-By Stuart Carlson of the Milwaukee Journal via

This week Republicans all over the country were doing back flips about the deficit because it wasn't as bad as they tried to make it.

But it's still really, really bad.

Nonetheless, President Bush was in our state this week trying to get that 29 percent of folks that still love him to write checks to Rep. Mark Green so he can implement the same disastrous budgeting plan in our state. At the event, President Bush said:
Cutting the taxes works. It's making the economy strong. You need a governor who will cut the taxes in Wisconsin. Mark Green is that governor.
Someone presiding over the worst budget deficit in the history of our country should not be telling anyone that anything he has done works, but there he was telling Wisconsin residents that we need to follow his lead and Rep. Green is the person to do it.

Indeed Rep. Green has done everything President Bush has asked for when it comes to the federal budget. Rep. Green proudly boasts of all the tax cuts he has voted for at the federal level. However, he doesn't mention that all of the tax cuts have been financed with borrowed money.

That means they are not so much tax cuts as they are an unauthorized loan from your children or grandchildren since they are going to be the ones to pay for all of this.

In fact Citizens for Tax Justice recently released a report that shows the tax cuts are going to cost $2.4 trillion if you add in the interest that will have to paid at some point.

So you gotta ask yourself, do you want to vote for the guy that blindly followed the guy that spent us so far into debt that your grandchildren will pay for it? Or maybe chose someone that has been more responsible? Your grandchildren may ask questions when they are paying the bills of today with the money they earn tomorrow.


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