Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Congress may finally get in the game

Perhaps the GOP Congress has finally had it with the Bush White House keeping them in dark about nearly everything. Like the fact that Pakistan is setting up a plutonium-production reactor. So theBush team made up stuff about some countries to make them look more dangerous than the are to start a war, but kept the developments that actually are dangerous from Congress.

President Bush has also disregarded many of the laws passed by Congress by using signing statements to say "Sure, you can pass this law and I'll sign it but I'm not going to live by it." For example, when Congress passed a bill to say we should not torture prisoners of war, Bush wrote a statement to file with that bill saying his White House would not follow it.

So Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) is prepping a bill to sue the White House . TPMmuckraker has the story here. You can find more information about Bush's use of signing statements here.


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