Friday, July 07, 2006

Six degrees of Bucher

The Bucher underground network is larger than I originally thought. It is getting so large that it almost lends itself to a six degrees of separation type of game.

The ads being run by the Coalition for American families, were touted by a press release from that group with Steve King, Paul Bucher's campaign chairman listed as the contact. If you call TV stations, they will tell you that Treasurer/contact for the group is Valerie Johnson. She is married to RJ Johnson. He works for Paul Bucher.

Is Bucher even really running to be Attorney General of is he just bank rolling campaign types that are working to beat Governor Doyle? I guess there are just a small number of people that are willing to use both Willie Horton style ads and ads that are so completely false that you have to use cartoon characters and they all happen to be connected to Paul Bucher.

Everybody join in with the song now.

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world

I apologize in advance if you get that song stuck in your head.

P.S. The ads are so filled with lies that one Milwaukee TV station has taken them off the air.


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