Friday, August 18, 2006

The wacky left grows!

We're up to sixty percent baby!

This CNN poll has the number of people opposing the Iraq war/occupation at sixty percent and a majority of them favoring the withdrawl of at least some of our troops.

This is the wacky left that you hear so much about from Republicans. They try to argue that only people on the fringe want out of this occupation of Iraq, but that group seems to be growing each day.


At 2:32 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

Accepting the political reality of Iraq is kinda tough for a political party that still has a hard time with the reality of evolution.

At 10:43 PM, Blogger Ron said...

This should be good news for candidates who oppose the war such as Rae Vogeler ( ) who are running against pro-war candidates such as Herb Kohl! Also Jamie Wall ( running for the hotly contested 8th CD.


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