Sunday, September 17, 2006

Gard's student tax plan

Rep. John Gard, the Republican candidate for the 8th Congressional District of Wisconsin, recently released his tax plan for students. I found one aspect of the plan very funny.
Increase the Student Loan Interest Deduction --- Raise the limit on the amount of interest that one may deduct on interest paid on student loans from $2,500 to $5,000.

Why do we need to increase the interest deduction? Because the guy leaving the seat in Congress that Gard wants just voted to increase the interest charged on student loans. Oh and that guy, Congressman Mark Green, is currently running for governor of our state trying to sell people on the fact that he is good for higher education.

So does Gard think Green was wrong to vote to increase the interest rate charged on student loans? If he doesn't, that is the most ridiculous way to get a tax cut.


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