Friday, September 22, 2006

Senator Ellis' memory problems

It was hard not to laugh at all the Republicans tripping over each other yesterday to be the first to post about an attorney contacting the Elections Board Members about the illegal money Congressman Green is being ordered to get rid of in order to comply with Wisconsin State Law. While it was probably not a great PR move, it is not illegal.

Do the Republicans really think that no one supporting Green contacted the Republican members of the Elections Board? Anyone that says they believe that is just not based in reality.

But the Republican that takes the cake on this one is Senator Ellis who said this:
"That's the very same sort of activity that recently sent state legislators like Senator Chuck Chvala and Representative Scott Jensen to jail.'
Um, no it's not. You know what is similar though? This little nugget from a 1995 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Story:
For his part, Ellis has vowed to remember any and all lobbying groups and lobbyists whom he holds responsible, if he and his party are dumped out of power by Petak's recall. Anyone who has "decided they would like to make me the minority leader . . . is going to have to be prepared to accept the consequences, just like you do in politics," Ellis said.

Thank goodness for those statutes of limitation huh?


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