Friday, October 13, 2006

Mark Green auditions for Saturday Night Live

The Wisconsin State Journal has been running a series on the governor's race in which a reporter poses questions about an issue to each candidate and gives them an opportunity to lay out his vision on that issue. Last Sunday the issue was school funding.

When the Congressman Mark Green said he would rewrite the school funding formula in a more equitable way, the reporter asked him how he would change it. Green's response? "It's not fair to require a candidate to put together a thousand-page document..."

His response brings to mind the Saturday Night Live skit The Whiners doesn't it?

It's not fair. I don't want to have to do the hard and risky work of actually laying out a plan for people to look it and I want macaroni and cheese for dinner.

Is that really what Congressman Green thinks the voters of this state are entitled to for an answer on how he would change the funding for the single largest state budget item? Keep in mind that it was Congressman Green that brought up the fact that he would change the formula. From the way the article reads, the reporter didn't spring the formula question on Green and expect a thousand-page document out of him.

But was an outline of how he would change the formula too much to ask? Congressman Green used to serve in the state legislature so it's not outrageous to expect that he is pretty familiar with the state school funding formula. And if he's not, he has NO business running for governor.

Imagine if you came home from work one day an announced to your spouse that you were taking a new job and when your spouse asked you what the new job was you busted out this reponse: "Honey, it's not fair that you expect me to come up with an exhaustive list of my new duties or my new salary. Don't worry, we'll be fine. You don't need to know where I go everyday."

That's pretty much how Congressman Green is treating the voters of this state right now when it comes to his plans on how he would change the education formula.

And really, it's not fair.


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