Saturday, November 04, 2006

Only Republican kids trick or treat

I have a nomination for the lamest excuse for being down in a poll ever given by a campaign. When the Van Hollen team was asked about a recent poll that showed J.B. Van Hollen trailing Democrat Kathleen Falk in the race for Attorney General, Brian Fraley said the poll was "conducted during a night when GOP suburban families were out trick or treating..." and then said the campaign was not troubled by the poll.

Yes, only Republican children trick or treat since the legislature passed that law declaring the children of Democrats just don't deserve any candy.

What will the excuse be election night when the final poll comes in? The vote was conducted on day when GOP suburban moms had too many soccer games?


At 3:49 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

They do have night time trick or treating in urban areas. The entire city of Madison does night time trick or treating and I'm sure there are others.

It's safe to trick or treat at night in the big cities too.


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