Thursday, November 30, 2006

The right's new favorite punching bag

This month the state of Minnesota elected the first Muslim to Congress when the voted to send Keith Ellison to Washington, D.C. This should be a great opportunity for our country to start looking past the stereotypes many people hold of Muslims. Instead, some on the right have questioned whether or not he is fit to serve in Congress right out of the gate.

It started when Fox "news" host, Glenn Beck, said to Ellison "prove to me that you are not working with our enemies" during an interview after Ellison won. I'm sure he would ask any milk truck driver that gets elected to Congress to prove to him he is not going to take young girls hostage and shoot them too. After all, the lunatic that did that claimed he was made at God.

Now we see the right-wing radio network has resorted to making stuff up to beat up on Ellison. Think Progress has the story here. Make sure you check out the picture of Speaker Dennis Hastert and note the lack of a bible...


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