Saturday, December 16, 2006

Stupid Supreme Court campaign tricks

Campaigns are a lot of work. Especially statewide campaigns. You have to go all over the state, meet lots of people and take pictures to use on your campaign website and literature.

Unless you are Annette Ziegler, a woman running for the Wisconsin State Supreme Court against Linda Clifford. Annette Ziegler doesn't appear to have the time to actually go to courthouses in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Waukesha and Washington Counties for photos. Why do that when you can just Photoshop the different county names into one picture and use it over and over again from slightly different angles?

Go here to Ziegler's event's section and scroll over those four counties and watch the picture change slightly each time. Isn't it amazing that all four counties have their courthouse located at 432 E. Washington Street? What are the odds of that?

If you can't even trust this woman to tell the truth about what courthouse she is standing in front of, you shouldn't trust a whole lot that comes out of her mouth on the campaign trail. And is she going to cut and paste different names on court decisions and hand those in as her finished product if she gets to the bench?

If this is the kind of effort Ziegler is going to put into her campaign, donors should be wary of writing her checks. It seems unlikely the donations will be spent well.

UPDATE: The Ziegler campaign seems to have taken down the doctored photos. If you missed the fun, you can check them out here at Folkbum's blog. Thanks to Jay for saving them for us!


At 1:18 AM, Blogger Jay Bullock said...

It's not even good photoshopping. She hasn't at all matched the color, the font, or the angle of the type.

Wow. Someone should be fired for that, preferably the candidate.

At 2:27 AM, Blogger Dave Diamond said...

That picture of her in front of the Florence County sign doesn't look at all Photoshopped. I hear Paul Bunyan built that sign, and that atmospheric effects conspire to make people cast a drop shadow upon it.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

I wouldn't call it dishonest. Just lazy. And really bad photoshopping.

With the impact of the blogs and people knowledgeable in Photoshopping (not me, I still send mine out), it's advisable for the candidate to take the time to drive to the location to have your picture taken.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

It is really bad photoshopping, and I would still call it dishonest rather than just being lazy. Why even put those photos on there unless you are trying to mislead people?

At 12:19 AM, Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

I guess just being too lazy to drive to wherever was necessary to have the picture taken.

I would never advise any candidate to do this, certainly not in this day and age, with the technology available to reveal the truth.

This was just plain dumb.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger Whiskey Bottle said...

I tried checking out the Events section. She likes Florence -- I'm pretty sure that's where the Thompsons dug all their money --
but nothing in Vilas, Oneida, Langlade, Iron.

Why does she hate the northland? This hack hams it up in Ladysmith, but is to afraid to lay it all on the line at the Silver Dollar in Hurley?

The ironic thing to the whole courthouse fracas is that the Oneida Co. is one of only a handful of non-shithouses in the state. Tiffany dome and what not. Must've been sceered off by them hodags or somethin'.


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