Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Inclusionary Zoning process not so inclusionary

Madison City Alderperson Larry Palm says in his blog that he learned that the City of Madison released the Inclusionary Zoning Report from the newspaper! Hello?

Is anyone other than Alderperson Brenda Konkel allowed in on this issue? You would think the Alderfolks would be given a copy of this report, wouldn't you? It's not like this is some little side issue. This is an issue that impacts development and therefore, impacts just about every other issue facing the city - costs of city services, school populations, traffic, you name it.

The city council is about to consider some changes to Inclusionary Zoning. Let's hope the information process improves before they make the changes.


At 7:12 PM, Blogger pm said...

The report wasn't exactly kept hidden. It was available on the city's website the day it was released. The public had access to it immediately. That's pretty darn inclusionary if you ask me.

I understand that some alders might want to be the first to know or the first to receive a copy. However, this hardly seems a major offense given that the report was made immediately available to the public.


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