Wednesday, January 25, 2006

WI biotech hotspot...for now

The Wisconsin State Journal has an article today saying FierceBiotech is going to list Wisconsin as one of five emerging biotech hot spots. The only way we can stay on this list is if the Republicans controlling the state legislature stay out of the way.

Last year Governor Doyle had to veto a bill that could have impacted stem-cell research. The bill was another example of Republicans trying to get in the way of science and job creation all so they can pander to the extreme branch of their party that wants to protect every human cell every created. Supporters of the bill claimed they were not trying to stop stem-cell research, only cloning. However, some Republicans tried to amend the bill so it would only ban reproductive cloning. They failed. Why would they have to amend the bill to protect stem-cell research if they bill didn't threaten stem-cell research?

A statement by the sponsor of the bill, Senator Joe Leibham, also gives away the true intent of the bill - stopping parts of stem-cell research they don't like. He said:
"The bill tried to set the guidelines for Wisconsin and allow the real positive areas of research that are really providing the most results," Leibham said, referring to adult stem cell and umbilical cord blood research.
Should UW Scientists figure out what areas of stem-cell research are the most promising or Senator Joe 'Spaceman' Leibham?

This is not the first time the extremists in the Republican party have tried to put the brakes on stem-cell research. It probably won't be the last. If they are allowed to succeed, Wisconsin could rapidly fall off the list of biotech hot spots. Many other states have seen the huge job potential in this field and are moving fast to support a biotech industry in their state with taxpayer funds. Supposed 'pro-job' Republicans should help make sure that Wisconsin doesn't lose its place.


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