Monday, February 13, 2006

Media focus completely off in the wrong direction

The press is upset that they didn't know right away that Vice President Cheney had accidentally shot one of his friends. This story from MSNBC actually describes the media briefing on the incident as contentious. As long as the guy was ok, who cares how long it took to find out? The only outcome of finding out on Sunday instead of Saturday is that the late night talk show jokes will start a day later.

This is so not a big deal and shows that the White House press corps has totally lost it. They fail to do their job and ask tough questions on important issues or look the other way completely on huge stories but this, this they get all worked up about it.

And don't even start that this is the liberal media beating up on Republicans because what the press should be upset about is the many, many other things the White House has kept from the press until they were exposed. How about wiretapping without warrants? Now that should produce some contentious press briefings.


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