Monday, February 20, 2006

Rep. Ryan tells seniors they're on their own

Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) was in the news earlier this week about the problems with the Medicare prescription drug coverage. A New York Times story that ran in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Sunday had Ryan saying this about it:
"The question is whether those people that are frustrated and confused are going to have their problems resolved in the next few months. The administration is really on the hook for smoothing out these problems."
Just the administration? Not the congress that wrote the law? Not congresspeople like Ryan that had a large part in writing the law? Seems to me that the congresspeople that wrote a law to help the drug companies profit instead of helping seniors get good coverage should be the ones fixing the program for seniors. The agency implementing the law is doing what congress told them to do.

Instead Ryan basically tells seniors to hope that the administration that has more than once proved that it can't shoot straight is going to fix their problems. Now that's service!

Is it any wonder that the article Ryan is quoted in also talks about how the GOP is losing its grip on the senior vote?


At 3:37 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

Yeah, AARP rarely works for seniors in my opinion.


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