Friday, March 10, 2006

Catholic church puts politics before children

Boston Catholic Charities has decided to halt adoptions services because the state of Massachusetts allows gay and lesbian couples to adopt.

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney gets it all wrong:

Gov. Mitt Romney said he planned to file a bill that would let religious organizations seek an exemption from the state's anti-discrimination laws to provide adoption services.

"This is a sad day for neglected and abandoned children," Romney said in a statement. "It's a mistake for our laws to put the rights of adults over the needs of children.

Romney is pointing the finger at the wrong adults though. Protecting the adult right to hate people is the mistake.

When people think leaving children without a home is preferable to a loving home that wants to adopt them, it is truly a sad day.

Things like this story are the reason I no longer consider myself a Catholic. It's been a painful journey, but I just can't bring my son up in a religion that says it's ok to hate people. It's like they missed the whole point Jesus was trying to make with his life.

There is something in the story that provides me hope that the religion I grew up in is not completely lost though.
Eight members of Catholic Charities board later stepped down in protest of the bishops' stance. The 42-member board had voted unanimously in December to continue considering gay households for adoptions.

I mean really, what would Jesus do in this situation? I think he would have voted the same way rather than leave the children homeless.


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