Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Here an amendment, there an amendment, everywhere an amendment

It seems barely a week goes by without the state legislature passing a resolution calling for a new amendment to the state constitution. They recently passed a proposed amendment to ban gay marriage and civil unions and now the senate has called for a referendum on the death penalty in Wisconsin and the assembly has called for one limiting the veto power of the governor.

How long would our state constitution be if these folks did not have to get voter approval on changes?

I do hope the Republicans remember their vote on this when the legislature is controlled by Democrats and the governor is a Republican (a scenario that will happen at some point) and they are wishing for a strong veto pen again.

And speaking of potential Republican governors (though not a likely one), according to Brian Fraley, County Executive Scott Walker is a new convert on the death penalty. Fraley wonders why Walker has flip-flopped on the issue but doesn't mention the most likely cause - polling of very conservative voters that he thinks he needs to get through the primary.


At 3:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Does anyone know what individuals or organizations are taking the lead to oppose Wisconsin's death penalty reinstatement effort? We'd like to be in touch with them. I can be reached at


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