Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Please don't make us vote on this again

The Washington Post has an interesting article today about Congress not following through on voting requirements before President Bush signed the budget cutting bill that was passed recently thanks to Rep. Mark Green. You know, the one that does things like cut student loans and make it harder for Medicare recipients to get wheelchairs. Fun bill.

Turns out the version that passed the House was different than the one that passed the Senate so the House needed to vote on it again before it was sent to President Bush. But, it seems the House didn't want it on record more than once that they voted to punish their constituents for their fiscal mismanagement so they neglected to take the vote and just sent the bill to the president to sign.

Oh the mistake is a $2 billion mistake, but hey, I guess they figure what's the big deal when you are as far in debt as the Republican Congress has taken our country?

How many times do you think Rep. Mark Green asked not to take that vote again? Or maybe he didn't ask since he seemed to be willing to vote that way when his leaders asked him to even though thirteen of his Republican colleagues did not.


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