Monday, April 17, 2006

Capping the rhetoric

-By Tom Toles of the Washington Post

Rep. Mark Green had a press rally today about tax day. His press release has the usual stats that Republicans like to state about the tax burden in Wisconsin as if it magically appeared and they had nothing to do with it. Rep. Green also says he wants this:
"A future where Wisconsin is no longer listed among the top taxing states. A future where government spending is finally in line with our families' ability to pay," said Green in emphasizing his vision for Wisconsin's future fiscal policy. "And, by slowing the growth of government spending and limiting taxes, our children and grandchildren will be more likely to stay here, earn a good living here and raise their family here. As a dad with young kids, I want that more than anything else."
That's hard to believe when you consider that Rep. Green is one of the people that dug the hole pictured above in the Toles' cartoon.

As Jon Stewart would say, it's like they think we are stupid. Does Rep. Green think he can hold a rally denouncing spending and taxes and no one will look at his record? And record is the key word because Rep. Green was part of piling up a record federal deficit that his children and grandchildren will be paying off for a long time.

Eye on Wisconsin points out that Rep. Green's record wasn't any better during his years in the state legislature since our state's tax burden was highest in the years Rep. Mark Green was in the legislature.

I guess Rep. Green just forgot to mention that at his press rally today.


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