Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Facts don't get in the way of Senator Kanavas' political attack

Yesterday Senator Kanavas issued a press release attacking Governor Doyle saying he is not cutting enough state employees. This can only be described as a political attack using state office letterhead since Senator Kanavas and many of his Republican colleagues didn't shown any interest in reducing the number of state employees as part of their state job until after Governor Doyle was elected. Oh they often talked about it on the campaign trail, but they never put it into action as part of the state budget.

And Doyle had to drag them kicking and screaming into actually making the cuts. In fact, Senator Kanavas and almost every other Republican in the legislature voted for a budget in 2003 that had 649 more state employees than Governor Doyle's budget. It also increased the state deficit by $282 million more than Governor Doyle's budget.

Seen unbelievable coming from me? How about an article from the June 16th edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel?
Democrats, senior aides to Doyle and even some Republicans said they learned that the GOP budget would:

-- Create a $1.1 billion deficit -- the imbalance between tax collections and spending -- in the two-year budget that ends June 30, 2007. The Republicans' long-term deficit is $282 million higher than the spending plan recommended by Doyle in February, according to the Fiscal Bureau. The size of the deficit will depend on growth in state tax collections.

-- Add 649 more full-time workers than Doyle recommended in his budget. Most of them would be prison guards to staff two new state prisons, reducing the state's reliance on out-of-state prisons.

-- Rely on $250 million more in one-time funds than the governor's proposal.

-- Increase general-fund spending by $1 billion in the second and final year of the next budget.
Republican fiscal conservatism at its very best.


At 11:37 AM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

Well, his time is not up on this one and he has to work against a Republican legislature that is trying to ADD jobs so I think he's making some pretty good progress on it.

At 8:45 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

Riiiight, the legislature has nothing to do with writing the state budget. If that's the case, how did they manage to write a state budget with a higher staffing level than Doyle in 2003?

Now I see how Republicans can complain about the level of government spending even though they have a direct role in how much is spent. They follow the lead of folks like reader Shades and just pretend they have nothing to do with it.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

You can try to argue that the legislature doesn't have anything to do with staffing levels all you want, it's just not true.

And for the record, I would not be giving him credit on cutting 10,000 jobs. I didn't support that goal when he announced it and I still don't.

I just think Kanavas and his colleagues shouldn't be allowed to take a political swipe at Doyle when they are unwilling to make the cuts themselves.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

The fact that I don't support it hardly makes it a political stunt by Doyle.


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