Monday, May 22, 2006

What were they serving to drink at the GOP convention?

A story today in the Wisconsin State Journal reveals some of the worst cases of denial I have seen in a long time. The story is about how state Republicans think they can overcome all the negatives the GOP is facing before the elections this fall and it is full of comments that are pretty far removed from reality.

Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Rick Graber said:
"I've read all about the doom and gloom predictions for our party nationally, but when I look at Wisconsin, I think the political environment is outstanding."
Has anyone told Graber that they are running a candidate for governor that is part of the national team that created the gloom and doom?

The former mayor of Antigo, Michael, thinks voters will not even be thinking about the Iraq war or the failings of President Bush:
"This will have nothing to do with George W. Bush, Iraq or Dick Cheney."
Too bad the Republican nominee for governor fully supports President Bush on the war in Iraq and all the bad budgeting that has come with it.

But the comment that truly displays the desperation in the GOP camp is the Napoleon Dynamite "Vote for Pedro and all your wildest dreams will come true" type quote from former Governor Tommy Thompson when he said putting Rep. Mark Green in the governor's mansion will mean the Green Bay Packers will win the Super Bowl.

Expect "You will find oil in your backyard" on campaign signs soon.


At 11:11 AM, Blogger Captain Ron said...

Don't you just love it though? The Republicans keep dreaming up all of their conspiracy theories while failing to realize the true problem. Horrible failures in domestic and foreign policy has made them unpopular. I hope they take their mainstream media conspiracy and slanted polls agenda all the way to November. Unless they start to form policies that the constituents actually agree with, the election is going to be a wash. I have my fingers crossed.


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