Thursday, May 18, 2006

Leibham's new election year caucus

Senator Joe Leibham issued a press release yesterday saying he created a new Great Lakes Caucus for state legislators that have districts along one of the Great Lakes. It must be election season since during the rest of the year, Leibham doesn't seem very interested in protecting our Great Lakes. Why go through the hassle of actually voting to protect our lakes when you can just set up a meeting or two of a caucus with a name that sounds like you are for protecting lakes in an election year?

In his release Leibham has the following:
“Our Great Lakes are two of Wisconsin’s greatest natural resources. They are important to our ecology and our economy,” Senator Leibham said.
In 2001 when temporary governor Scott McCallum proposed drilling in the Great Lakes, why didn't Leibham join the chorus of those saying no then? Perhaps he did and I missed it. But why didn't he sign onto AB 634, AB 433 or SB 214 in the 2001 session? All of these bills dealt with banning drilling of some sort in our Great Lakes.

And if Leibham really wants to do something to protect "two of Wisconsin's greatest natural resources" he should work to change the ring of red surrounding Lake Michigan on this map and this map. He could lead by example and change his own district, number nine, from red to green. Or at least to yellow.


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