Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Feingold fight not so lonely anymore

It's interesting that stories are written now as if Senator Russ Feingold is joining the other senators on the Iraq issue since he has been walking this path alone, and taken a lot of heat for it, for quite some time now.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story has a headline saying Feingold is joining Senator John Kerry in calling for a withdrawl timeline.

It's surprising that his fellow senators are willing to even share the stage with him anymore after he made this comment:
"I didn't just write an op-ed about this," he said, referencing the recent articles penned by Democratic senators such as Kerry who now admit that they were wrong to side with Bush before the war began. "I didn't after the fact say, 'Gee, you know that was kind of a mistake.' I just plain voted against it because I thought it would be a terrible mistake in the fight against terrorism.

"I still cannot believe that Democrats helped facilitate this (war)," said the senator...
You can find the rest of the editorial that contained that comment, here.

He's right, but I'm still surprised they are willing to even look his direction after he said it.


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