Thursday, July 27, 2006

Adding to the list

As it turns out, the groups pushing for a constitutional ban on gay marriage and civil unions weren't the only ones revealed this week as afraid to debate. Add Secretary of State Doug LaFollette.

Scot Ross, LaFollette's Democratic primary challenger, asked LaFollette to participate in a series of debates before the primary election. LaFollette's response:
“Indeed, such debates might only serve to give the Republican candidate for this office ammunition for his campaign.”

This statement troubles me for three reasons. One, I'm pretty sure from this photo that the Republican candidate for the office is a woman so LaFollette might not know this. Two, LaFollette saying "his" is probably more indicative of his thoughts that men hold these offices rather than not even knowing who his potential opponent could be in the general election. And three, LaFollette being afraid to engage his opponent is exactly the reason Scot Ross is running for this office.

If LaFollette won't even get out there and talk about any issues, we might as well make that office a purely administrative office and do away with the election for it.


At 8:33 AM, Blogger Kinda Cranky said...

Are you sure that is a woman? Looks like a drag queen to me.


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