Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bucher's latest ad makes him unfit for AG office

Paul Bucher has always seemed unaware that the Department of Justice is about far more than busting hardened criminals on the street. His latest ad for his campaign to be the Attorney General confirms that not only does lack a plan for how to operate the rest of the department he seeks run, he is actually unfit to do the job.

Bucher's latest ad used the name of a murdered state Department of Justice agent until the family asked him to stop using it. The fact that Bucher, a man who has worked in the justice field for a number of years, would use the name of this man in a political ad without even considering how it might impact the man's family makes him unfit to serve as the Attorney General of our state.

Keep in mind that the Attorney General's office must deal with crime victims all the time and even has an Office of Crime Victim Services. How can someone who has displayed such a complete lack of empathy for a crime victim's family be considered for an office that must help crime victims on a regular basis?

Bucher's drive to be the Attorney General kept him from even asking the family whether or not they would want to hear about the agent's murder as a political commercial while they are driving home from work. That displays such a severe lack of judgment that the voters should not think an apology for this event will prevent a future incident like it.


At 12:56 AM, Blogger XOut said...

If ad's disqualify candidates for office than Doyle should call a moving company now.

That being said -- Bucher pushed the limit on crass and opportunistic.

On the other hand, I am happy to tell the litle girl that Doyle exploited that her mother is a lying, igornant fool too.

Fair is fair.

At 2:30 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

Doyle had the permission of the people appearing in his ad.

Don't you love how Republicans say "parents know best" all the time but in the case, the mother is ignorant?

Fair is fair.

If wanting your child to have a cure for her disease makes you a fool, I'd be in that club too. If my child was sick, I'd do everything I could to help find a cure.

At 11:41 PM, Blogger XOut said...

The ad was based on a lie. Nobody supports a ban on stem cell research.

The mother exploited her own daughter to promote a lie.

Oh, but what the hell, I am arguing medical ethics with people who don't care about ethics at all.

At 9:51 AM, Blogger krshorewood said...

Hey XOUT, let's cut the crap on this issue which seems to be spreading like an epidemic through wingnutville.

In the real world, just about all cutting edge research needs some level of federal research. Cut the funding virtually cuts the throat of the project. The lying liars in the "pro-life" movement know that.

Simple test. Until Green comes out and explicitedly states he is for embrionic stem cell research, we can assume he is pretty much against.

The fact that he does not indicates the propular support for the research and that Green knows it, so therefore the dodge and BS.

Can you people ever be straight with us.


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