Saturday, August 05, 2006

Three Madison Alders oppose local business preference - but 14 support it

At the Madison City Council meeting this week, three of the alders tried to stop the city from even studying a possible preference for local vendors for city purchases. From the Isthmus' webpage:
The final item boasts 13 of the 20 alders as sponsors; it is the study that would research the possibility of a local preference purchasing policy for the city. Jed Sanborn, however, opposes this kind of policy, saying that the city should look for the "best" deal possible regardless of geography.

Alder Compton subsequently proposes an amendment that would strike language from a policy that would allow the city to spend "a little more" when contracting with a local company. "We get a much better bang for our buck" says Austin King in opposition amendment, adding that nothing is yet determined, hence the need for a study. Zach Brandon agrees, saying "some things are based on value," not just cost. The amendment is defeated with only 3 ayes (Sanborn, Thomas, and Compton) and 14 nos.

Sanborn, Thomas and Compton don't quite seem to understand that local businesses getting more city contracts could actually translate into a win financially for the city. If spending a little a more would help keep our local tax base solid by helping local business become stronger, isn't that at least worth a look by the city council?


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