Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Honesty is the best policy

If Rep. Mark Green is going to start outlining his budget plan for our state, he could start by getting his colleagues in the House of Representatives to be honest about just how much it will cost to implement the bribe it took to get him and other Republicans to vote to increase in the minimum wage instead of hiding it with a phase-in. If they think Paris Hilton and others deserve this money so much, why not give them the tax cut right now?

From the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBBP):
The new House proposal is being presented by House leaders as being $15 billion less costly than the estate-tax plan that the House passed in June. Supporters point to new Joint Tax Committee estimates that show the new proposal would result in revenue losses of $268 billion between 2007 and 2016, as compared to $283 billion for the earlier bill. But even this small difference is deceiving, as it stems from a timing gimmick employed in the new legislation.
Hold the phone! Does that say a budget gimmick? It seems like just yesterday that Rep. Mark Green was accusing Governor Doyle for what he thinks are budget gimmicks. Oh wait, he was today.

You can find the rest of the report from CBBP on this proposal here.


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