Monday, August 07, 2006

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign's dirty little secret

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (WDC) has a dirty little secret. They don't want campaign finance reform.

Oh they say they do but how else can you explain their behavior of rewarding politicians that lie to them and work directly against campaign finance reform?

For example, take Rep. Steve Freese. He answered the candidate questionnaire provided by WDC and he said "yes" to the first question that asks:
YES OR NO: Do you support and would you vote for bipartisan legislation (similar to 2005-2006 Senate Bill 1) to strengthen enforcement of Wisconsin's ethics code and campaign finance laws by replacing the current State Elections and State Ethics Boards with a nonpartisan and politically independent Government Accountability Board with an enforcement division with the authority and resources to investigate and prosecute violations of state elections, ethics, campaign finance and lobbying laws and regulations?
Freese answered "yes" even though he shouldn't have even been allowed to answer the question at all after his behavior regarding that bill this session. Freese is not only part of the Assembly Leadership that at first decided behind closed doors to prohibit the bill from coming to the floor, he voted "no" when he had a chance to vote outside of his leadership circle.

If WDC is serious about campaign finance reform, why would they allow people like Freese to make a mockery of them time and time again? If a citizen in Freese's district were to go to the WDC website to see if Freese supports SB 1, they would come away thinking Freese does even though he had more to do with sinking the bill than most of the other assemblypeople.

This is not the first time Freese has sunk reform either. This is from a 2003 WDC press release:
Few lawmakers have gone to greater lengths to wrap themselves in the cloak of reform than Steve Freese. But while his words are reminiscent of John McCain, his record on reform resembles Tom DeLay's.

As chairman of the Assembly Campaigns and Elections Committee, Representative Freese is a key gatekeeper on campaign finance reform legislation. He has kept the gate locked. While quickly shepherding photo ID legislation making it harder to vote to the floor of the Assembly early this session, he has taken no steps to develop comprehensive campaign finance reform legislation in his committee for eight months.
It goes on to say:
Comprehensive reform legislation was introduced and referred to his committee in March 2001. For over 11 months, he did not permit his committee to vote on any comprehensive reform proposals. Once it was clear the Senate was taking action on reform legislation, Freese pledged to work in his committee to develop a bipartisan reform package. With considerable fanfare, a bipartisan working group was assembled under Freese's direction. The working group was a charade.
So why does the WDC allow Freese to look like he supports their cause every year at election time by answering "yes" to all of their questions, while working to stop campaign finance reform?


At 2:03 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

What reform bill has Gov. Doyle vetoed that the legislature has sent to him? I don't think are any. If the legislature won't pass them, he can't sign them into law.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger chide said...

WTF? Freese was one of 3 Republicans to vote against killing it in caucus. And there were rumors that he nearly lost his leadership position for pushing it so hard.

At 12:50 AM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

I think people can say anything happened behind closed doors, but when push came to shove, Freese voted no. The other two listed in the article - Albers and McCormick - voted yes as did five other Republicans. Even Rep. Frank Lasee voted yes!

Freese might as well have his leadership yanked for a cause he believes in. What good is being in leadership if no one listens to you?

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Jack Lohman said...

Freese is indeed lying, and we have exposed that on our website at

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Jack Lohman said...

And, I might add, we exposed Freese with the information provided by WDC. Indeed this should be a criticizm of Freese, but WDC cannot be held accountable for this and other of Freese's indiscretions.

At 12:47 AM, Blogger XOut said...

The Wisconsin Democrat Campaign is a hoax. So is Steve Freese, but that doesn't make WDC good, honest or beneficial to voters.

As for 'whatsleftwi', he really is far outside the 'insiders' club. Freese did in fact have a temper-tantrum and almost graced the GOP with his regisnation. Hopefully, he will just not seek his leadership position again - that would be a favor to everyone.

SB-1 is a joke.

Unelected law professors? Are you kidding me?

At 8:02 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

For the record, I am a female.

I knew about Freese's little episode. I just don't think that absolves him of his voting record.


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