Monday, September 11, 2006

Reynolds campaigning like it's 1799

Senator Tom Reynolds (R-West of Sanity) is saying he won't debate his opponent, Jim Sullivan, unless the organizers of the debate confiscate cell phones will video capabilities. How long can it be before he decides that this campaign should be run without any electricity?

Afterall, a word of mouth campaign is probably what Jesus would do.

Reynolds' increasingly bizarre behavior regarding electronics makes me think those rumors about him trying to build a spaceship were true. Perhaps Reynolds is worried that all of these new fangled devices will interfere with messages from the mother ship.

You can almost hear the exasperation in poor Mr. McGinnis' (the event organizer) voice in this letter to Reynolds and Sullivan:debate.pdf

If Reynolds keeps this up, Sullivan won't need video of Reynolds for campaign commercials. The word of mouth campaign on how bizarre Reynolds is getting will probably be enough.


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