Friday, September 08, 2006

When is an endorsement not an endorsement?

When the candidate is running in a very progressive district and wants the money and support of a Republican group, but doesn't want the progressive district to know about - that's when.

Is is possible that Rep. Dave Travis' challenger, Henry Sanders, doesn't know what an endorsement is? Because he is outraged that Travis would say Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce (WMC) has endorsed Sanders. What in the world would give Travis the idea that WMC is supporting Sanders? Perhaps a letter from WMC to its members that they put out on the same day Sanders put out a release saying he is not endorsed by WMC that says:
If you live in the 81st Assembly District, and if you're going to vote in the Democrat primary, please vote for Henry Sanders to bring a new voice to the Legislature - and maybe a little bit better business voting record, too.
The wording almost suggests that WMC finds it odd that any of their members would be voting in the Democrat primary.

The letter also says Travis should not be elected because he scores low on the WMC voting scorecard. The state senator from this area, Senator Jon Erpenbach, also scores low on this scorecard. Why do Travis and Erpenbach vote this way? Because the constituents of this area want them to vote that way. If either Travis or Erpenbach scored high on the WMC scorecard, they would be voted out of office faster than Senator Schutlz grabbed headlines using the pain of a family dealing with perverts digging up the grave of a loved one.

I used to think the talk about Sanders being a Republican was crap until this week. Some of the Republicans supporting Sanders are neighbors of Sanders' parents so I considered it more of a 'all politics is local' kind of thing. But WMC going to bat for Sanders combined with a conversation I heard he had with a woman about spousal consent for abortion leave me to believe that while he may not be a Republican, he is far too conservative for this district.

Sanders is trying to be too cute by half on both the WMC support and the spousal consent. He wants to get the support of groups without taking the baggage that comes with them and he is telling some groups what they want to hear even though he doesn't really support it.


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