Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Secretary of State race gets going

Secretary of State Candidate Scot Ross had a nice piece of mail hit this week. For a race that "nobody cares about" it has an impressive collection of newspaper clippings about Ross and mentions that he has the 'Fighting Bob' spirit.

SOS La Follette's response to Ross' spirit has been that the legislature will never give the SOS office more authority. This could be true, but La Follette refusing to ask or try to build support for it just makes it a self-fulfilling prophesy.

When I asked La Follette's office to provide me with the documents from his "never hesitating to use the 'bully pulpit' of his office to promote fair and honest elections" he couldn't provide me with much. I was sent a couple of copies of the same letter addressed to different people with a press release about the letter and one email. They were both from this year after Ross announced his challenge. La Follette's assistant did say that La Follette doesn't write down his speeches, but surely someone who supposedly speaks out from his office would have more than one press release.


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