Sunday, October 08, 2006

Congressman Mark Green thinks women are just dumb

One of the reason Congressman Mark Green is not doing well with women voters is his arrogant attitude toward them. He seems to think we are just dumb when it comes to our reproductive health and we all need him to teach us.

In the debate last Friday, Green said:
"I'm compassionately pro-life, I want to reach out to women and help the realize there are alternatives and choices out there."
Realize? Are you kidding me? Does he honestly believe any woman out there has an abortion because they just haven't thought enough about it? When Congressman Green talks about abortion, you get the feeling he thinks women all over the country schedule abortions because they have nothing better to do on a Friday night.

There is nothing compassionate about telling a fourteen-year-old girl who has become pregnant because her father or uncle raped her that she must have a baby because politicians she has never met says she must. She had no choice in the rape and will spend the rest of her life trying to get past that horrible incident. The compassionate thing to do would be to let her have abortion if that is the decision she comes to after talking it through with people she trusts.

How is it compassionate to force a women to go through with a pregnancy that might prevent her from having any more children? This is one of the many health options that Congressman Green's "compassion" on this issue would prevent.

Come November, women should send Congressman Green and his arrogant "compassion" looking for new options in the job market so they can preserve all of their options to protect their reproductive health.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Julie said...

I happen to be pro-life, but people like Mark Green is one of the reasons I don't work to make abortion illegal. I don't want any woman or young girl to have an abortion, but I don't want us to return to the time when women had to have backalley abortions, guys like Green and those who support him don't care.

And, what really gets my goat, is that not one of the pro-life people I have ever met supported anything that would help the mother once the baby was here. Lots of talk about saving the unborn, but once they become born, well, our work here is done.

At 4:11 PM, Blogger jw said...


"...there are alternatives and choices out there."

Yes, congressman, there are NOW. You want to remove them. Who do you think you're fooling? Your spin is as transparent as plastic wrap and just as flimsy.


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