Monday, November 06, 2006

Thompson twins can't get enough of themselves

There must be some sort of genetic mutation in the Thompson family that causes them to say crazy things near election time in order to see their name in the press.

First we had Tommy Thompson saying he was going to run for president. He had to say this after his former advisors told him to stop saying he was going to run for governor again so he could still get press calls.

Now we have his brother Ed Thompson encouraging people to write his name in for governor as a protest. He thinks people that are angry about the legislature not doing what they want them to do should vote for him so he can not do what they want him to do from the sidelines. Oh wait, he's just kidding now. See, that way he can get another round of stories about how he is just kidding.

You can almost hear them singing the old Thompson Twins hit "Hold Me Know" as they desperately search for their own name in the newspaper on election night...


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