Friday, December 01, 2006

Federal government agency thinks electronic voting sucks

The Washington Post has an article today with the National Institute of Standards and Technology saying that electronic voting cannot be made secure. The report validates the claims many critics of the new voting system have been saying from day one:
NIST says in its report that the lack of a paper trail for each vote "is one of the main reasons behind continued questions about voting system security and diminished public confidence in elections." The report repeats the contention of the computer security community that "a single programmer could 'rig' a major election."

Hopefully the new Congress will tackle this issue right away.

You can read the rest here.


At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether it sucks or not is largely immaterial anymore. The fact that so many people think it sucks makes it imperative that something be done about it.

Ironic that a few hanging chads in Florida caused us to shift to a system whose security every place it is used is doubted by quite possibly a large majority of the electorate.


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