Friday, December 22, 2006

New year, new job

Next week will be my last week of blogging for a while. I've decided to take a job in the Capitol and I will not be posting to my blog while I'm working there.

I've had a lot of fun doing this so I suspect I will be back at some point.

My family celebrates Christmas so I won't be posting until I'm done putting on the mandatory five Christmas pounds and finished all the extra shopping President Bush says I have to do for the sake of our country. I don't want to risk getting put on a list that won't let me fly in an airplane.

But I will put some posts up next week to wrap up my blogging if anyone is around and cares to read them.

So enjoy the 40 degree weather this weekend! And if you need to see a white Christmas, there is a guy who lives in Madison using a machine to keep snow on his lawn for the holidays. Global warming doesn't scare him. He tackled it the American way - he bought something. What a patriot!


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