Sunday, January 29, 2006

Rumsfeld's diagnosis

Earlier this week a Pentagon released report done by a former Army Officer said the Army does not have enough people to meet the workload currently being thrown at it. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld rejected the conclusions without reading the study as reported here by CNN. This cartoon from Tom Toles at the Washington Post effectively sums up Sec. Rumsfeld's view of the current situation the Army is in. Which one to believe? The Secretary of Defense or someone who has actually been in the Army?

We are asking our military forces and families to do too much. Some forces are on their third rotation in Iraq already and that conflict is far from over.

I think it's time we started a new policy for Congress. If they want to vote our troops into war, everyone that votes yes has to put their name in a hat and ten of them have to go to war with the troops. And I don't mean going to visit. I mean you are going to be in a helicopter going over enemy fire or traveling down roads that have IEDs. You get the same treatment a soldier gets, nothing special. If the cause you are voting to send others to defend is important, you shouldn't be afraid to put yourself with them. WWII would have passed this test, Iraq would not.

Think we'd have as many troops deployed for political purposes with this rule? It's pretty easy to say you are pro-troops from behind a desk.


At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's an old saying that goes something like, Old men start the wars that young men fight. I would love to see those old men marching off to Iraq with the kids they're sending off to die and be injured.

And not just them, but the neo-cons who thought much of this up. Has any one of them even been in the military? Probably not.


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