Friday, January 27, 2006

When are Republicans for hate crime legislation? When people hate Republicans.

Yesterday, Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Rick Graber called for stricter penalties against people that commit hate crimes, but only if it is about elections and targeted at Republicans. In his press release, Mr. Graber said this:
“As we have seen in the last two presidential elections, political hi-jinks against the GOP ran rampant in Wisconsin,” said Rick Graber, chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
You mean, gasp, there are people who commit crimes simply because of what someone is? Say it isn't so Mr. Graber. Your party preaches non-stop that we don't need to protect people from things that are already illegal. Let's see, what are you saying we need to make doubly illegal? Theft, damage to personal property, bribery and fraud. Aren't those illegal now? But I guess if Republicans are being attacked we should do what we can to protect them. A man that gets beat to death for being gay, no, but for Republicans that have yard signs stolen we need new laws!

Perhaps Mr. Graber should have worked to make sure headlines like this didn't happen in the past - Republicans Derail Vote on Hate Crime Bill. You can find the story here.


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