Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Grandma and her boyfriend could be in trouble

The proposed amendment to ban gay marriage and civil unions could possibly snare an unlikely group of people in its hateful web according to The Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups (CWAG). It could also affect older, unmarried heterosexual couples.

Many older couples that are together after divorces or spousal deaths choose not to get married because it could seriously harm their long-term finances. Marriage can force someone to give up health care coverage and retiree health care plans often do not allow new additions. However, the unmarried couples might own a home together and could have given each other certain legal rights.

According to Tom Frazier of CWAG, the proposed amendment to the constitution to ban gay marriage and civil unions is so broadly written that:
"While these folks are not couples or partners in a married sense, this type of arrangement would come under scrutiny of the second sentence of the amendment and could be rendered invalid."
That's what happens when you try to put hate for one group in the constitution. You end up teaching hate and it spreads.


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