Tuesday, April 18, 2006


"Until you know what you are talking about, keep your mouth shut."
-Lester Pines, attorney for Paul Barrows about the Wisconsin State Legilature

This comment was made after a faculty committee at the UW-Madison said Paul Barrow demotion by the university was unjustified. I don't know enough about the details of the case to know if they are correct in that assessment, but I found the quote hilarious because I'm guessing there are a lot of people that would love to say that to the group of people running the legislature these days.

For example, local elected officials that are tired of being lectured at on spending by legislators that deficit spend all the time, women that want to get birth control prescriptions filled without letting the legislature make them jump through ten hoops to do it, and university officials that are trying to take Wisconsin's economy into the future without the legislature throwing up roadblocks every time they turn around...the list could go on and on even though the party controlling the legislature is supposedly the party of small government.


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