Monday, August 28, 2006

New Gard ad reality check

Rep. John Gard has a new ad out suggesting Gard is some big fan of organized labor and fights for jobs in Wisconsin. That idea is so laughable I barely know where to begin.

If Gard was really interested in securing good jobs for our state, he would have brought AB 639 to the floor in 2003 instead of voting to keep it from even being debated. The bill would have provided grants to companies to train workers if the company would keep the jobs in our state.

And if Gard was even remotely interested in fighting for the working families of this state, he wouldn't have voted to table an amendment to increase the minimum wage in 2001. He has numerous votes against raising the minimum wage, but since he was getting a $2424 raise that year and another $1336 raise for the next year, it really would have been fair to vote for the increase in 2001. That same year, Gard got an increase in his per diem, which meant he could get even more money for driving to work from Sun Prairie while claiming his residence was in his district so he could get more than what those living in Dane County get for a per diem.

He also could have voted to make sure the jobs that are created by the state are family supporting jobs by voting against tabling an amendment to require companies getting state financial assistance not to cut health care or pension benefits within five years of receiving assistance.

Gard has a long history attacking organized labor. He put banks ahead of workers when he voted against requiring companies that go bankrupt to pay off workers for wages owed before paying off banks and credit companies. He has also voted to weaken collective bargaining rights by allowing municipalities to contract out for more services.

These votes are just the tip of the iceberg for Gard on these issues. If these are the "supporters" working families can count on having in state government, who needs enemies?


At 4:58 PM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

Raising the minimum wage increases wages all the way up.

A rising tide and all.

But if you want something beyond minimum wage...

Gard has also voted against living wage intiatives (AB 633, 2003-2004).


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