Sunday, October 08, 2006

McReynolds abuse of taxpayer resources continues

As I've said before, the Republicans that think Bill McReynolds will win the 21st Senate District easily this fall just don't know Mac. Luckily, Progressive Majority does and they have introduced the local newspapers to McReynolds' rampant abuse of taxpayer resources in order to make money for himself.

A Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story and a Racine Journal Times story today begins to look at how McReynolds spends his time in the office while supposedly working for the Racine County taxpayers. In the Racine Journal Times story McReynolds tries to brush off all of the phone calls he made from his Racine County phone to benefit his private popcorn business by saying doesn't buy that all of a sudden he is unethical because he has been in politics since 1992.

Sorry Mr. McReynolds. You are not all of a sudden unethical. You've been unethical all along. You just got caught all of a sudden. Big difference.


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