Monday, October 30, 2006

Van Hollen's tough talk on terrorism should lead to questions

Remember when the Republican candidate for Attorney General, J.B. Van Hollen, said this:
"I say, as the chief law enforcement officer in the state, terrorism should be one of your top priorities." (The Chetek Alert. March 15, 2006)

Or better yet, remember when he said this:
"We have in Wisconsin terrorists who are training and raising funds. We don't need to be paranoid, but we need to be vigilant...If people believe we do not have terrorists in Wisconsin, and they believe we are not at risk for terrorist attacks in Wisconsin, they are uninformed." (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. April 26, 2006)

The fact that the latter statement was called "completely inappropriate" by the FBI aside, isn't it odd that Van Hollen didn't prosecute the one terrorism case sent to his office when he was the U.S. District Attorney for the Western Wisconsin region?

You can find the rest of the report that the link above is from here. I'll admit I haven't read the whole report yet, but I thought the chart was interesting enough to pass along for discussion. Perhaps the press will find it interesting.


At 12:08 AM, Blogger Ben Masel said...

This is bunk. Had the referal been a legitimate case, one can be sure he'd have played it for all the publicity it was worth.


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