Monday, November 06, 2006

Dave Zien's truthiness problem

Dave Zien thinks his constituents are dumb.

There is really no other conclusion to come to after seeing his late election mailer trying to convince voters that somehow his opponent is endorsing him.

Kreitlow/Kreibich. Both former newscasters. Oh it's clever. I'll give his team that much. But let's hope it's too cute by half and it backfires on his team.

It's one thing for Zien to tell voters he supports things and then vote another way when he gets to Madison as he has been doing for years. Or to cultivate the role of rebel while taking in more taxpayers dollars to joyride around on his motorcycle than many people make as a salary for an entire year. But to actually send them mail that insults their intelligence is quite another. When has any candidate endorsed their opponent in the final week of a campaign? I'm gonna guess oh, never.

And will any voter in the area think Rep. Kreibich's endorsement of a fellow Republican is a surprise? I suppose it's possible given that many people can't name their elected officials.

But I've read numerous conservative blogs stating that Zien is going to walk away with this race. This flyer says the Zien team knows he is in a very tight race and could lose tomorrow. Why would someone comfortably ahead bother with last minute tricks like this?

The flier could end up getting the campaign in legal trouble because they used a copyrighted image. But let's hope that's not all too little too late to hold Zien accountable. Otherwise he will win his election by one of the most deceitful means I've seen in quite a long time.


At 8:18 PM, Blogger JohnLowndes said...

Mr. Zien just checked into the hotel I work in (Holiday Inn in Yuma, Az.). I don't know much about him other then what I've read but he was really nice and seems like a very nice guy.


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